Building thought leadership, when there are more critics than creators. Live long and propagate.

Tuesday, February 26

Hire the Best, train the rest (part 1)

One thing that all small companies struggle with is hiring the right people. It doesn't matter what type of position you are looking for, but it is always a struggle to find time for interviewing, reviewing resumes, screening candidates and adding one to your team. It is absolutely critical to make the right decision, since turnover has a much larger impact in a smaller organization.

The most difficult thing about hiring, is actually determining what person is the right fit: personality, experience, attitude and ambition that matches your company's goals. Limited reach and limited budget don't help matters either. I think the old adage for suits, shoes and purses holds true with people: hire the best you can afford. Hiring the best is sometimes out of reach or difficult to discern, but all organizations should strive for the top. And each person is motivated by different rewards, your environment might be the right fit. Summation has some great tips on the benefits of great people, and what they need to succeed in your company!

So what if your team is missing a critical skill or experience or something else?


I know, with limited resources, training is a luxury you can't afford. But there are huge benefits to putting training at the forefront of your employee management strategy.
1. Increases your teams skill set
2. Improves employee happiness
3. Demonstrates how you value your team

Bottom line, investing in your employees makes them want (and feel psychically obligated) to invest in you.

I'll follow this up with a part 2 on training programs and tips to increase your team's skills and decrease turnover.

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